Customer Need: What Is Their Real Job-to-be-Done?

Know your target customer and build for them.

Your target customer has needs:

  • Gains: What are their measures of success?
  • Pains: What are their fears and frustrations?
  • Jobs-to-be-done: What are customers trying to accomplish?

Understand your customers through this lens and you will be able to service them better.

Customer Needs Come First

Form Follows Function. - Dieter Rams


  • Technology: Customers don't need 16GB of RAM. Customers need fast computing.
  • Features: Customers don't need emoji reactions. Customers need a quick way to communicate with their friends and colleagues.
  • Messaging: Customers don't need your brand strategy. Customers need a quick way to remember you.

What's the smallest common denominator?

Customer need comes first. Implementation comes second.

How to Identify Customer Needs?

Each brand has its own context. We cannot generalize.

Yet, generally speaking, you want to keep a close connection with your target customers?

  • Behavior: How do they interact with the brand? How do they talk about the brand? What do they use the brand for?
  • Feedback: What do they like? What don't they like? What do they rave about?

When you have a clear customer in mind you can start servicing them.

You service them by listening carefully and responding with a suitable offering.

Bottomline: Serving Customer Needs Is an Ongoing Process

Serving the customer's needs is an ongoing process.

Customers evolve, so should your brand's offering.


This post is an excerpt from my online course Fundamentals of Brand Strategy where you learn how to build successful brands.

The self-paced online course contains 5 hours of video material and teaches you how to use the Brand Pyramid.

Brand Pyramid in Action: Use it to create, audit, and improve your brands.
Learn the Fundamentals of Brand Strategy 🧰

You can hit me up on twitter. DMs are open.

Short Excerpts from the Course

These posts are short snippets of the course curriculum 👇